With only about four hours left to submit the DORMS paperwork, and after a short phone call to the DCP, I had to accept the fact that I could only do random roommate selection. This past year of college, I did this as well, and it worked out great - hopefully I have the same luck! Really, I'm just hoping for someone who doesn't mind that I sleep a lot and that I'm not the tidiest of people when it comes to my bedroom... But I do like doing dishes, so that's a plus!
I requested Vista Way as my first choice, mostly because it is the cheapest and I have low expectations for housing conditions. My college dorms were built in 1953 for crying out loud! Also, I believe I did 2-bedroom as my first preference, 3-bedroom second. It was a pretty simple process other than the whole roommate thing, so I hope check-in goes just as smoothly!
Update - I had emailed Disney about the DORMS situation prior to calling them, but did not expect them to reply in time. Several hours after writing the above blog post, I received a response saying that they would make an exception and link my roommate and I together despite our different departure dates! I'm so excited!
Visit my DCP YouTube channel here!
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