Sunday, September 13, 2015

Month 3: Goodbye ESPN, Transfers, and Seattle!

Is it September already?! The Halloween decorations are all put up in Magic Kingdom, which means it is officially fall. August has been a very eventful month, so let's hope I can remember most of what happened!

First of all, I had my last day at ESPN, and all of my friends are gone. This is what absolutely sucks about extending your program. Although I've made new friends in my new location, it's nothing compared to the summer full of memories I have with my ESPN family. However, there is a bright side to this situation. I have officially decided to travel after my program to visit some of my friends abroad! I will be going to Scotland, England, and Thailand so far. I have not bought a plane ticket from Bangkok to anywhere else yet, as I can't currently afford it. But once I save up, we'll see where I decide to go next!

I completed my training at ODF (outdoor foods) in Magic Kingdom, and it's not half bad. I mostly do mobile vending, so I'm that person with the food cart that walks in front of the parades. It's a very independent job, so I don't interact with my coworkers as much as I did at ESPN. I do like it though, because there is a lot more guest interaction. My time at ODF has definitely helped me to improve my guest service skills, as well as my ability to communicate across language barriers.

One of my seven costumes at ODF!

In mid-August, I took a week and a half off to visit my family and friends in Seattle! August is my favorite time to visit home because all my friends are actually home from college and in the area. Plus, I was able to see my best friend who just returned from his mission in Brazil! It was such an amazing week, and I miss it already! Luckily, we all have an excuse to get together again next summer, as my other best friend is getting married! July couldn't come any sooner!

Green Lake Park in Seattle

I also had the opportunity to go to Universal Studios. It was so much fun, as I had not been there in over a year. Hogwarts and Diagon Alley was just as amazing as I remembered it to be. And boy, did I miss actual thrill rides! Disney rides are great and all, but they do nothing to appease my craving for a full-on adrenaline rush. The Hulk, on the other hand, does just that.

The next day, I ended up going to the doctor and finding out I had tonsillitis. This was probably one of the most painful things I have experienced. They put me on antibiotics, I took three days off work, and I am just now starting to feel normal again, almost two weeks later.

Other than this, not much has happened. Its been a busy month, so I haven't spent much time in the parks. I have some big plans in store for this month, though, so stay tuned for my Month 4 update!

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