Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Thank you to everyone who has supported this blog. I just barely celebrated the one year anniversary of All Roads Lead To Disney, and now we are celebrating 5,000 views. Thank you, and I look forward to continuing to post content about all things Disney!

As May comes to an end, that marks the time of year when all our Fall Advantage college program participants are settling down in either Disneyland or Walt Disney World. Congratulations to you all for making it this far - your journey is just beginning! I remember my first week as a CP. I got thrown into an apartment with five strangers, and we all ventured off to resort hop since we had not yet received our main gate passes that get us into the parks. This adventure brought us to Beaches and Cream at the Disney Yacht and Beach Club. Our group of six had grown to ten, then twelve, then fifteen. It was the perfect size group to devour two famous Kitchen Sinks.

So to all you new CPs - get out! Explore! Meet new people and live a little. These six months will be over before you know it.